Evaluation Rules

Continuous Evaluation

Continuous evaluation is done through 2 projects and 2 tests.
  • The 1st test and project (T1 and P1) cover the topics of Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms;
  • The 2nd test and project (T2 and P2) cover the topics of Databases.

  • The grade of the continuous assessment, Nca, is the weighted mean of the theory and practice grades (all grades in the range 0 to 20)

Nca = 40% T + 60% P

The theory grade, NT, iis the weighted mean of tests, T1 and T2.

T = (2•T1 + T2) / 3
The practice grade, NP, is the arithmetic mean of projects, P1 and P2.
P = (P1 + P2) / 2


  • A student with a positive continuous assessment grade (Nca> = 9.5) obtains approval with a final mark (Nf) equal to Nca, rounded to the units.
  • A student gets frequency if his/her practice grade exceeds 8 values ​​after rounding (i.e. P> = 7.5)

  • Students failed in the continuous assessment, but having obtained frequency, can take a final exam, covering the topics of the tests.
  • The theory grade after the exam, NTe, is the maximum of the tests and exam grades.

Nte = max ((2•T1 + T2) / 3, E)

         After the exam, the final grade, Nf, is is the weighted mean of the final theory and practice grades .

Nf = 40% Nte + 60% P

  • Students who obtained approval in continuous evaluation, can improve their final grade in the exam. Their final grade is obtained with the same rules.