- The (theory) lectures, taught from 15:00 to 16:00, follow the plan shown below, that includes their summaries and support materials.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 8x 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17
Aula_1: 18 sep 2020
- Introduction.
- Computing Paradigms - Imperative Programming.
- Variables and Assignment.
- Data Types: Arrays and Matrices in Python
Aula_2: 25 sep 2020
- Abstractions and Functions
- Algorithms and Execution Control
- Sequential Execution
- Conditional Execution - IF instruction
- Repeated Execution - FOR instruction
Aula_3: 2 oct 2020
- Iterated Execution - WHILE and DO instructions
- Algorithms
- Nested Functions and Recursion
- Examples
Aula_4: 9 oct 2020
- Strings and Vectors
- String Operations
- Files and File Types
- Text Files - Read / Write instructions
Aula_5: 16 oct 2020
- Dictionaries
- Structure Vectors
- Read/Write Structured Text Files
- Access to Internet
Aula_6: 23 oct 2020
- Search in Lists
- Sequential and Bipartite Search - Complexity
- Simple Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort and Insert Sort - Recursion
Aula_7: 30 oct 2020
- Efficient Sorting Algorithms
- Quick Sort, Merge Sort
- Complexity of Sorting
- Graphics in Python
Aula_8: 6 nov 2020
- (Pseudo) Random Numbers
- Generation of Known Distributions
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Example: TSP.
Aula_8x: 13 nov 2020
- Review Exercises
Aula_9: 20 nov 2020
- Introduction to Graphs
- Graph Representations.
- Simple Algorithms: Test for Connectedness
- Complexity
Aula_10: 27 nov 2020
- Polynomial Problems in Graphs
- Dynamic Programming.
- Minimum Spanning Tree – Prim’s Algorithm
- Shortest Paths – Floyd-Warshall’s Algorithm
Aula_11: 4 dec 2020
- Non-Polynomial Problems in Graphs
- Optimisation vs,Satisfaction
- Heuristic Search
- Example: Hamiltonian Circuits (Traveling Salesperson)
Aula_12: 11 dec 2020
• Support to Project 1
Aula_13: 18 dec 2020
• Test
Aula_15: 8 jan 2021
• Overview. Database Modeling - ER Model; Entities, Attributes and keys. Relational Algebra.
slides_ER, slides_RA
Aula_16: 15 jan 2021
• Normalisation: Functional dependencies; Closures and Normal Forms (1st, 2nd, 3rd and BCNF)
• Relational Algebra.
Aula_17: 22 jan 2021
• Database Querying - SQL (DDL e DML). Simple queries and joins.
• Database Querying - SQL (cont.).
• aggregation functions, subqueries, views, consistency, external keys and triggers.
slides_SQL, slides_triggers
Aula_18: 29 jan 2020
• Support to Project
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